If you follow you’ve been following along on social media you’ve probably already heard the news — we’re having a baby! And even though we are currently in month 5, it sometimes still feels like a dream. At this point we have seen the babe on ultrasound twice and heard his/her heartbeat on at least 3 separate occasions, but since there isn’t a baby bump quite yet, it is still hard for even us to believe!
We’ve known since November 10, 2016 that this little one was on their way. That week we had spent time with so many amazing friends and educators at our all-time favorite photography conference, United in sunny Arizona. We’re always a little sad the day after we get home because we miss everyone already! That day I wasn’t feeling well and decided to just take a day to rest. When I got up that morning, for no specific reason decided to take a pregnancy test, not really expecting it to be positive. It wasn’t any of the other months (when I was SURE it would be) so there were no expectations. When we were finally having a baby, surely I would feel different than all those other months, right?
Home alone with just the pups and kitties keeping me company, I went about my morning routine. It was hard not to glance down every few seconds. Three minutes seems like an eternity when you take those things! This time when I glanced down, the test had removed the word “not” and left the word “pregnant”. We are having a baby!!!
Just for good measure, I decided to take a few more tests — you know, just in case (all which were immediately positive). The rest of the day was spent running errands to well, get more tests, and to get supplies to do a special announcement for Troy! Funny thing is, he called just minutes after reading the test results. But I held strong and knew that the surprise that night would be well worth the wait.
In preparation for this moment, I had already purchased a few things for the announcement. Since Troy proposed to me over a game of Scrabble, it only seemed fitting to tell Troy about our little one in the same-ish way! I designed a custom board with more muted colors (grey and shades of pink and blue) and had it printed so it could be framed and displayed in the baby’s room! I also found mama bear, papa bear and baby bear matching shirts from The Oyster’s Pearl (they are the CUTEST shirts ever) and knew immediately we had to have them! All I needed to do then was glue down the Scrabble tiles and lay everything out for him to find! I even wrote “We’re having a baby!” on the giant chalkboard above our dining room table.
LONGEST. DAY. EVER. Sitting home alone until 930 pm with a secret like this was absolute torture. I set up a camera so that when he walked through the door I could capture his reaction. I was so nervous/excited that by the time he ACTUALLY got home I was standing in the kitchen practically next to the camera. Troy was a little confused by this and kept asking me what I was doing, to which I responded “just come over here!”
Troy stood in front of our dining room table and just stared at the displayed Scrabble board and t-shirts. It took him a few minutes to say anything (he now says he was reading all the words that I had spelled out). Finally, while still staring at the board he asked, “for realsies?!” Everything was captured except for our hug (we were slightly off camera). We are going to be parents!!
Why we waited SO long to tell our families, we aren’t really sure. Since this will be the first grand baby on my side I really wanted to do something extra special. Show up at their door with a bunch of balloons. Show up and throw a bunch of confetti at them when they opened the door. But the longer we waited, the more we couldn’t think of the perfect way. Each family member we told ended up being last minute (except for Troy’s parents, since we decided to tell them on Christmas) and there wasn’t a big production. No balloons, no confetti. Just us telling them. And although it didn’t go as planned, the reactions we got were absolutely priceless. The best decision we made during this process was taping their reactions!!
Below is a little video we put together to remember this time and to announce to the world there will be a #ypbaby! We hope you love it as much as we do!
Need to catch up?
Part 1: The First Time We Met • Part 2: Love at Third Sight • Part 3: Everything Comes Full Circle • Part 4: She Said Yes! • Part 5: Our Engagement Photos • Part 6: Our Wedding Day • Our 10 Year Anniversary